
Thursday, January 13, 2011


Proton Cobra concept car is based on Gen2 platform made by Proton staff for 25 years Proton Anniversary car innovation competition and autoshow. The front design really amazing with the combination of Exora, perdana headlamp wrapped with stylish fiber curvature relocate to beautiful angle, bulging front bonnet with matte black paint on it and wide body design. It really looks sporty and fierce like its name – COBRA!

The rear design is quite ok but the rear bonnet is too high. This is probably to accommodate NGV underfloor and according to them, the car is capable to bring up to 7 passenger on board. We can see combination of Saga and exora rear tail lamp there.
Objective : Maximise “wow” impact, minimal modification work, optimum cost, top quality, meets deadline, manufacturability.

Innovative – big impact change & useful
Never produced before – likely model expansion
Commercial – with volume profitability
Space – comfort for long haul
High Ground clearance – rugged character
NGV power low running cost with petrol backup
Interchangeable seats – Design protect for from 5-7 seaters
Smart packing – Unique underfloor NGV compartment
2 tone paint with matte black racing stripe
High position gear convenience of use
Pedestrian friendly – bulging bonnet with extra impact space
Design protect engine room – large room for powerful engine
Large boot space – foldable rear seat.


Last year we already posted about the Persona as a police car.That Persona is used by the Humberside Police.You can view again the topic by click the link below. your information, the Humberside Police is the territorial police force responsible for policing an area covering the East Riding of Yorkshire, the city of Kingston upon Hull, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire.They have been running LPG converted Proton vehicles for over 10 years and, with just over 300 on their current fleet, have saved over £300,000 on fuel costs per year.They use Proton for general patrol and by IRT (Incident Response Teams). The 300 over of Proton cars of the Humberside’s 650 police fleet are either Proton Gen-2 ecoLogic, Persona or Impian models.Humberside Police won the top award in the National Energy Efficiency Awards by running the vast majority of its fleet on Liquified Petroleum Gas. Most Protons are dual fuel, running both LPG and unleaded petrol.Alan Hocking, from Humberside Police, explains: “We began trialling LPG vehicles in 1996 and we’ve never looked back. 70 per cent of our fleet that run on LPG are Proton vehicles and we encourage our drivers to run on LPG 90 per cent of the time if possible. For us, the Proton Gen-2 represents great value for money and helps us run a more economical and ecological fleet.”

Dr Mahathir Galak Rakyat Jadikan Emas Sebagai Simpanan

KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Dis (Bernama) — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menggesa orang ramai cuba menyimpan emas sebagai simpanan mereka berbanding mata wang kerana nilai emas lebih terjamin dan sukar untuk jatuh dengan nilai besar.

Bekas Perdana Menteri itu berkata nilai mata wang tidak terjamin kerana ia bergantung kepada pasaran tukaran mata wang dunia yang sentiasa berubah-ubah.
Menurut beliau, ada kalanya nilai mata wang akan jatuh dengan teruk apabila berlaku sesuatu krisis kewangan di sesebuah negara.
“Mata wang hanyalah sehelai kertas yang digunakan untuk mewakili nilai tertentu tetapi bukan nilai sebenar namun emas boleh mewakili nilai sebenar kerana ia sebuah logam berharga di seluruh dunia,”
“Simpanan emas juga lebih terjamin jika ingin menjualnya kerana harganya sentiasa meningkat dan ia boleh membantu orang ramai menghadapi inflasi,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas melancarkan produk emas Geneva Malaysia di sini malam ini.
Produk emas itu terdiri daripada jongkong pelbagai berat dihasilkan oleh Persatuan Persahabatan Malaysia-Arab Saudi (MSAF) dan Persatuan Usahawan Jongkong Emas Malaysia (GBEAM) yang dikeluarkan untuk memenuhi keperluan syariah.
MSAF dan GBEAM menyasarkan syarikat swasta dan orang ramai untuk mendapatkan produk berkenaan sebagai urusan dalam pelbagai transaksi terutamanya jualan dan belian.
Dr Mahathir berkata satu ketika dahulu, satu auns emas bernilai RM109.79 tetapi kini satu auns emas bernilai kira-kira RM4390.40.
Beliau berkata orang ramai boleh menyimpan emas dalam bentuk barang kemas yang mudah didapati di seluruh negara dan ia mampu untuk dimiliki.